Invented Inference

(Kyokou Suiri -Koujin Nanase-)

A novel by Shirodaira Kyou, first published in 2011.

This is a novel, not a light novel. Meaning it will be longer than those light novels and without illustration. It has 7 chapters but each of them is long as a giraffe’s neck.

I do not earn any money by doing this. All credits belong to the author and his minions. Please support the author by buying a copy or two for yourself.

Chapter 1  One Eyed And One Legged ( 18.5/32 pages done ~ 58% )

Chapter 2  Rumor About Steel Ghost

Chapter 3  Idol Who Dies by Steel Beam (15 + 3/36 pages done ~ 50% )

Chapter 4  Imaginary Monster (teaser)

21 thoughts on “Invented Inference

  1. Woah, would have never noticed this was being translated until it was linked in the manga discussion! Thanks for translating. I’m super interested in this novel!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Wow! I’m really glad someone took it upon themselves to translate this awesome work, really appreciate the effort! Thanks for sharing the awesomeness!


  3. Hey! Thank you for taking the time to translate this wonderful piece of work. No pressure btw! I’m grateful enough that I have the privilege to read the manga thanks to you. Of course if these were available in my country (which unfortunately are not), I would buy them in a heartbeat! Thanks again 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Any spoiler regarding saki and kurou? Since if Saki is closer with that detective dude I won’t bother reading it anymore


      1. So there’s no chance Saki and Kurou will get back together?

        Thank you for the translation, does it seem like volume one is it, or does it hint for more to come?


      2. Also interested in Kurou and Saki interaction. I feel too much pity for goatman since he looks like he really loved Saki and still does.For Saki to drop him like sh*t and run away . Though this is fictional , the characters are pretty well done.I like Kotoko , she adapts good to these supernatural stuffs and is probably the best female in the series currently to understand and accept goatman the way he is.Her only downside for goatman would be her apperance but if she does grow she will look supa hot in her later years. Please, could you confirm us if Saki and Kurou are really done for good from the latest volumes.?



  5. This looks like quite the daunting task. When the first chapter is one day finished I will happily read it. Until then, go at the pace most convenient for you. Thanks for translating this.

    Liked by 1 person

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