
Finished doing the first 2 chapters. Took me 2 days to translate the prologue and 4 hours to do the first sub-chapter. Well the first sub-chapter is only 3 pages long in my docs compared to the 11 pages prologue… Anyways I am glad I got them done.

Okay, here is my thought after getting them done. The author is using first-person view to tell the story. And I found it is hard to keep everything in past tense since the MC is telling us the story line but sometimes kept talking and explaining stuff that is happening at the very point of the story. And I’m not a native English speaker so I most of the times, decide whether to use present or past tense using my NeppuNeppu-sense (something like spider-sense). So far my NeppuNeppu-sense have not failed me yet.

But here is what I plan and will try to do;  if the MC is continuing the story line, meaning he is describing every action he took, I’ll use past tense . If the MC is talking monologue or explaining/expressing his mind about the current happening, I’ll use present tense.

I hope it will work out fine -evil laugh-

Prologue // Episode 1